Feb 8th
Research Presentations
Role of adrenomedullin-2/intermedin in the pathogenesis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Shinji Kakihara1,2, Yorishige Matsuda1,2, Kazutaka Hirabayashi1,2, Akira Imai1,2, Yasuhiro Iesato1,2, Takayuki Sakurai1, Akiko Kamiyoshi1, Megumu Tanaka1, Yuka Ichikawa-Shindo1, Hisaka Kawate1, Yunlu Zhao1, Yan Zhang1, QianQian Guo1, Pexiuan Li1, Naho Onishi1, Toshinori Murata2, Takayuki Shindo1
1 Department of Cardiovascular Research, Shinshu University School of Medicine
2 Department of Ophthalmology, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Adrenomedullin-2 (AM2; also known as intermedin) is a member of the family peptide of adrenomedullin (AM) which has been reported to exert protective effects on the cardiovascular system. In this study, we generated AM2 knockout mice (AM2-/-) and analyzed the significance of AM2 in pathological angiogenesis in the eye. Pathological retinal angiogenesis in oxygen-induced retinopathy and physiological retinal angiogenesis did not differ between AM2-/- and wild-type mice. In laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (LI-CNV), a model of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), AM2-/- had enlarged and leakier vascular lesions with exacerbated subretinal fibrosis and macrophage infiltration. Contrary to this, the exogenous administration of AM2 ameliorated LI-CNV-associated pathologies and suppressed gene expression associated with inflammation, fibrosis, and oxidative stress. The stimulation of human retinal pigment epithelial ARPE-19 cells with TGF-β2 and TNF-α induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), while AM2 expression was also elevated. The induction of EMT was suppressed when the ARPE-19 cells were pre-treated with AM2. A transcriptome analysis identified 15 genes, including Meox2, whose expression was significantly altered in the AM2-treated group compared to that in the control group. The expression of Meox2, a transcription factor that inhibits inflammation and fibrosis, was enhanced by AM2 treatment and attenuated by endogenous AM2 knockout in the early phase after laser irradiation. The AM2 treatment of endothelial cells inhibited endothelial to mesenchymal transition (EndMT) and NF-κB activation, but this effect was canceled following Meox2 gene knockdown. These results indicate that AM2 suppresses nAMD-related pathologies partially via the upregulation of Meox2. Thus, AM2 may be a promising therapeutic target for regulating nAMD.

近年,肥満やメタボリックシンドローム患者の増加に伴いnonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)が世界中で増加傾向にある。糖尿病や肥満といった生活習慣が大きく発症の原因となっており,nonalcoholic fatty(NAFL)からnonalcoholic steato-hepatitis(NASH)へ進展,さらに肝硬変や肝癌などの発症リスクを有する。NAFLDはまた循環器疾患とも共通した原因を多数有し,生活習慣とも密接に関係し臨床現場において早期に介入すべき問題となっている。
私達の研究室では,肝組織におけるケトン体代謝に着目し研究を行い、肝臓特異的なケトン体合成不全マウス(Hmgcs2ΔHep: Alb-cre;Hmgcs2flox/flox)を作成した。これまでの研究で,全身のケトン体合成不全状態では生後早期に脂肪肝を呈することを明らかにしており、同様の病態が成獣期で再現されるか検討した。High fat dietとL-NAMEによる高血圧誘導を併用したcombined stress食(15週)を与え、組織所見を比較した結果、Hmgcs2ΔHepでは対象群(Hmgcs2flox/flox)と比較し,肝細胞のballooningや炎症細胞浸潤を強く認め,NAFLD Activity Score(NAS)やMatteoni pathological classificationが有意に上昇した。しかしながら,線維化は両群で確認されなかった。そこで,コリン欠乏・メチオニン減量食(15週)を負荷したところ,肝臓の線維化についてもHmgcs2ΔHepで増悪する傾向を確認した。一連の表現型解析により、ケトン体合成がNAFLD進展に寄与することが明らかとなった。
熊本大学 熊本大学国際先端医学研究機構・循環器内科